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Portion Calculator

Eliminate portion guesswork with our convenient calculator. Just tell us who you are cooking for and sit back while we do the hard work of calculating portion sizes for you. 

Cut your grocery bills while cutting food waste with half the effort and double the impact. 

Last update: 24 Jan 2024

© 2024 Wasteless.

This is an exploratory prototype that was built as part of OGP’s Hack for Public Good.


Know a food donation point that is not listed or have any other food storage tips to share? Tell us by leaving a message below!

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

Terms of Use

The Service consists of work-in-progress hackathon projects for OGP's Hack for Public Good. The Services are in beta and made available only for trial and feedback purposes. None of the Services are for production use and, at GovTech’s sole and absolute discretion, may receive no or limited support. Certain functions may be disabled or simulated. You shall not depend on any of the functions of any of the Services and, without prejudice to GovTech’s other rights, GovTech disclaims all liability arising out of or in connection with your use of the Services.

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